Monday, Jan 20, 2025

Corona Virus (Covid 19)

What is Coronavirus (Covid 19)?

The world is affected by this virus globally, people are trying to safe ourselves. Coronavirus is a very dangerous virus which is affected by humans and people having problems of fever, breathing, flu, coughs with other symptoms and many people are dying from this virus.

Basic Precautions for Corona Virus (Covid 19):

  • Do not go outside without needing it.
  • Whenever you go outside do not forget to wear a mask.
  • Whenever you go outside keep the sanitizer with you.
  • Always maintain the social distancing at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.
  • Try to avoid shaking hands or hugs with the people.
  • When you come back to your home from outside, first wash your hands at least 20 seconds.

World Population:


Coronavirus Cases:


Coronavirus Deaths:


Coronavirus Recovered:


Coronavirus Statistics

S.No. Country Population Total Cases Today Cases Total Deaths Today Deaths Total Recovered Today Recovered Continent