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    Title: Tarin appointed as ECNEC chairman
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    Tarin Appointed As ECNEC Chairman 50
    Description: Prime Minister Imran Khan has reconstituted the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) and appointed Minister for Finance Shaukat Tarin as its chairman. The Cabinet Division has issued a notification about the reconstitution of Ecnec. Chaired by Tarin –the fourth economic czar to be appointed by Prime Minister Imran Khan during his three-year rule – the top economic decision making body also comprises Minister for Planning Asad Umar, Minister for Industries Khusro Bakhtiar and Minister for Energy Hammad Azhar. The provincial representatives include Hashim Jawan Bakht from Punjab; Nisar Ahmed Khuhro from Sindh; Taimur Saleem Jhagra from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Tariq Khan Magsi from Balochistan. The main function of Ecnec is to sanction public sector development schemes exceeding financial competency of the Central Development Working Party (CDWP). It can also make moderate changes in the plan and sectoral readjustments within the overall plan allocation and supervise the implementation of the economic policies laid down by the federal cabinet and the National Economic Council (NEC). Ecnec only considers those development schemes which are recommended by the CDWP. No development scheme is placed directly before Ecnec.  The meetings of Ecnec can be held from time to time on a need basis. Any other matter may be referred to the committee by the prime minister, the NEC, the Council of Common Interest (CCI) or the cabinet. It can also discuss matters raised by a member with the permission of the chairman.
    Published Date: 17-May-2021
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