Title: Mohib Mirza hopes Saleem's ignorance in 'Razia' can shed light on injustice towards women
Actor and host Mohib Mirza recently took to Instagram to share a glimpse of himself from the TV serial Razia and expressed his thoughts on the importance of challenging societal norms. The actor, who plays Razia’s father Saleem in the show, used this platform to emphasize the need for awareness and change in the existing systems.
Taking to Instagram, Mirza shared a glimpse of his character to reflected on the urgent need for societal transformation. He highlighted the pressing issues of a broken system, rampant hypocrisy, and the prevalence of patriarchy in society. Through his character Saleem, he aims to provide a reality check to the audience, encouraging them to question and challenge these deeply ingrained norms.
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“The system must be broken; awareness must be created so that the new generation is not blinded by hypocrisy and patriarchy. All children must have equal opportunities especially when it comes to education,” writes Mirza. “Thank you for all the feedback on this character, Saleem. Hope his ignorance can shed some light.” The actor also expressed gratitude to the team behind the show, acknowledging the contributions of individuals such as Mo Ali Shah, Hina Amaan, and Kamran Afridi, along with the production team at Express Entertainment.
Mirza's portrayal of Saleem in Razia is a deliberate attempt to raise awareness about the inequalities and challenges faced by various segments of society, particularly in the realm of education. The actor hopes that through Saleem's ignorance portrayed in the show, it Razia can motivate a collective effort towards positive change.
Razia is not just a TV serial but a mirror reflecting the societal norms that need to be reevaluated and transformed for a more equitable and just society.
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Published Date: 14-Oct-2023