Title: Nirvana’s ‘Something In The Way’ dominates streaming charts following a feature in ‘The Batman’
Matt Reeves’ The Batman continues to dominate the box office weeks after its release. However, it seems like the superhero flick gave a boost to the old classic band, Nirvana, after it featured Kurt Cobain’s Something in the Way in prominent sequences in the beginning and endpoints in the film as well being alluded to in the score. The 1991 gloomy soundtrack from the album Nevermind has made a comeback and is dominating streaming charts once again, to no one’s surprise.
According to Variety, Nirvana’s gloomy song stands tall at No 3 on Spotify’s daily ranking of the top 50 streaming songs in the US, even a week after its release. After 31 years of its release, it now stands at approximately 803,000 plays for the day, being just behind the No 1 Glass Animals and another movie-based song at No 2 titled We Don’t Care About Bruno.
According to MRC Data, the statistics on just how much of a streaming surge the 1991 track is seeing in the wake of the movie’s blockbuster success on Billboard reported a 734% increase over the total streams compared to four days before the Robert Pattinson-starrer came out.
Spotify also shared that by March 9, Something in the Way had picked up a more than 1200% increase in its service. The song was never released as a single and until now was counted as one of the less-celebrated songs of the classic album Nevermind. However, it served as the perfect pick for Reeves’ depiction of an emo superhero starring Pattinson. Upon how gloomy the song is, Variety earlier quoted musician Cobain as saying, “Like if I was living under the bridge and I was dying of AIDS if I was sick and I couldn’t move and I was a total street person. That was kind of the fantasy of it.”
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Published Date: 12-Mar-2022